Navigating Pregnancy with Sensory Processing Insights for ASD

Emily, a vibrant 30-year-old artist with ASD, stared at the positive pregnancy test in disbelief. Excitement battled with a hint of apprehension. While thrilled about starting a family with her supportive partner, Liam, Emily knew her sensory processing differences might make pregnancy a unique struggle.

From childhood, loud noises felt like punches, bright lights stung, and certain textures sent shivers down her spine. Now, morning sickness brought nausea triggered by specific food smells, and her once-reliable routines were disrupted by frequent doctor appointments. The sterile environment, the impersonal hum of machines, and the sharp scent of disinfectant overwhelmed her senses. Even seemingly minor adjustments, such as dietary changes and exposure to new smells, posed unexpected challenges for Emily.

Understanding Sensory Processing in ASD During Pregnancy

People who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often experience differences in sensory processing, affecting how they perceive and respond to sensory stimuli. Sensory processing involves the brain’s ability to interpret and organise information received through the senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. In ASD, this process can be atypical, leading to either heightened sensitivities or hyposensitivities in one or more sensory domains. 

Sensations of morning sickness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, etc can be very difficult to handle for a person who has ASD. The brain’s response to sensory input may be intensified or altered due to shifts in hormone levels, contributing to a unique set of challenges during this transformative period.

Common sensory challenges faced by individuals with ASD during pregnancy:

Individuals with ASD may encounter a range of sensory challenges during pregnancy. Sensitivity to light, sound, or touch may become more pronounced, influencing daily activities and interactions. Common challenges include discomfort. 

i)During medical examinations, 

ii)heightened sensitivity to odours, and 

iii)difficulty adapting to changes in routine or environment. 

These challenges can add more stress and anxiety, emphasising the importance of specialised support and accommodations.

Emotional and Environmental Considerations

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy play a significant role in sensory experiences for individuals with ASD. Changes in oestrogen and progesterone levels can influence emotional responses, potentially intensifying sensory sensitivities. Understanding these hormonal dynamics is essential for anticipating and addressing the emotional components of sensory processing challenges during pregnancy.

Sensory sensitivities to environmental factors during pregnancy:

Pregnant individuals with ASD may develop heightened sensitivities to environmental factors, ranging from lighting conditions to temperature changes. 

i)Crowded spaces,

ii)new smells, and 

iii)unexpected noises can become more overwhelming, 

impacting daily functioning. Recognising and addressing these sensitivities is crucial for creating a supportive environment that minimises stressors.

Tips for creating a sensory-friendly environment for pregnant individuals with ASD:

Creating a sensory-friendly environment involves thoughtful consideration of the physical surroundings and daily routines is helpful. Adjustments such as using soft lighting, minimising background noise, and providing comfortable seating can contribute to a more comfortable environment. Additionally, maintaining consistency in routines and communication helps individuals with ASD manage the sensory challenges associated with pregnancy better. Here are some more important tips.

  1. i) Carry a comfort item with you
  2. ii) ensure that at least one person who understands your needs is with you when visiting doctors or going outside
  3. ii) take noise-cancelling headphones with you or even use a Soundsory headset
  4. iv) read about pregnancy stories of other autistic women to avoid shocks during your journey
  5. v) be open about your needs with your loved ones so they can relay the information to your doctors, nurses, or any other professional

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Navigating Medical Procedures and Appointments

Pregnancy involves a series of medical appointments and procedures, which can be particularly challenging for pregnant women with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as a result of sensory sensitivities. As highlighted before, bright lights, unfamiliar sounds, and physical touch during examinations can trigger discomfort and anxiety. Acknowledging these challenges is essential for developing strategies that promote a more positive healthcare experience for pregnant individuals with ASD.

Communication strategies with healthcare providers to address sensory needs:

Open communication between individuals with ASD and their healthcare providers is paramount for navigating sensory challenges during medical appointments. Pregnant women with ASD, along with their support system, such as close family members, should proactively share sensory preferences and aversions with healthcare professionals. This openness ensures that healthcare providers can make necessary adjustments, such as dimming lights or using gentle language, to create a more accommodating environment.

Suggestions for preparing and coping with medical appointments:

Preparation is key to easing the sensory challenges associated with medical appointments. Here are a few strategies that can help in multiple ways.

i)Create a visual schedule or social story detailing the steps of a prenatal visit; this can help individuals with ASD understand and anticipate the process. 

ii)Bring comfort items from home, such as sensory-friendly objects or clothing; this can provide a sense of familiarity and security.

iii)Considering the timing of appointments to avoid sensory peaks, such as crowded waiting rooms, will contribute to a more comfortable experience.

Dietary and Lifestyle Adjustments

Pregnancy often necessitates dietary adjustments, but individuals with ASD may experience heightened sensitivities to tastes and textures. Changes in diet, including new or unfamiliar foods, can pose challenges. It’s essential to recognise these sensitivities and work with healthcare providers and nutritionists to develop a pregnancy-friendly diet that accommodates sensory preferences and aversions.

Managing sensory sensitivities to smells and tastes:

Sensory sensitivities to smells and tastes can be particularly pronounced during pregnancy, affecting individuals with ASD more intensely. Here are a few strategies that can help, such as 

i)incorporate bland or neutral-smelling foods, 

ii)choose well-ventilated spaces for meal preparation and 

iii)explore alternative cooking methods 

These tips can help manage sensory challenges related to dietary changes. Flexibility in meal planning, where possible, allows for accommodating individual preferences.

Incorporating sensory-friendly activities and routines into daily life:

Daily routines play a significant role in providing stability for individuals with ASD, especially during the dynamic period of pregnancy. Incorporating sensory-friendly activities into daily life, such as engaging in calming exercises, creating designated quiet spaces, or establishing consistent routines, can contribute to overall well-being. These strategies extend beyond mealtimes, offering support in various aspects of daily life.

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Building a Support System

A robust support system plays a significant role for anyone navigating the challenges of pregnancy, and this is especially true for people who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Pregnancy, with its inherent changes and sensory complexities, requires understanding and support. Having a strong support network, including family, friends, and possibly professionals, provides emotional reassurance and practical assistance throughout this transformative journey.

Communicating sensory needs with family and friends:

Effective communication is the linchpin of building a supportive environment. Pregnant individuals with ASD and their support networks should engage in open dialogues about sensory needs and preferences. Articulating specific triggers and strategies for coping enables family and friends to provide better support. This shared understanding fosters a more empathetic and accommodating atmosphere.

Seeking professional support from therapists or support groups:

Beyond familial support, seeking professional assistance can further enhance the overall well-being of pregnant individuals with ASD. Therapists specialising in sensory processing or ASD can offer personalised strategies to address specific challenges. 

Additional support, such as interventions like the Tomatis® Method, can help to drastically make this journey much better for the expecting mother by managing her moods, helping her manage sensory overload, and calming her when exposed to too many stimuli. Participating in support groups specifically designed for pregnancy and ASD creates a community where shared experiences and advice contribute to a sense of solidarity and understanding.

Preparation for Parenting

Anticipating and preparing for the sensory demands of parenting is crucial for individuals with ASD. Establishing routines, both during pregnancy and postpartum, provides predictability in a new and potentially overwhelming environment. Creating a sensory-friendly space within the home, including designated quiet areas, helps manage sensory input and contributes to a more comfortable parenting experience.

Sensory-friendly baby gear and nursery setup:

Selecting sensory-friendly baby gear and setting up a nursery with careful consideration of sensory stimuli can significantly impact the parenting experience. Soft, comforting textures, muted colours, and adjustable lighting can create a calming surrounding for both the parent and the newborn. Choosing baby gear with minimal sensory triggers, such as noise or excessive vibrations, contributes to a more soothing atmosphere.

Tips for introducing the newborn to a sensory-friendly environment:

Once the baby arrives, gradually introducing them to a sensory-friendly environment is key. Limiting exposure to overly stimulating stimuli and gradually acclimating the newborn to different sensory experiences can help manage their responses. Paying attention to the baby’s cues and adjusting the environment accordingly supports a positive sensory development trajectory.

What Happened to Emily

Emily, a vibrant artist with ASD, knew her sensory sensitivities could impact her pregnancy. Loud noises, bright lights, and certain textures often triggered discomfort. Determined to create a calmer experience, she and her partner, Liam, explored various options. The Tomatis® Method, a sound therapy program, emerged as a promising approach.

Session 1: Setting the Stage:

The first session was an introduction. Emily met with the Tomatis® Consultant, Francoise Nicoloff,  sharing her concerns about sensory overload and its potential impact on pregnancy. Francoise  explained the program, emphasising its focus on auditory stimulation and its potential to improve sound processing and emotional regulation.

Session 2: Tuning In:

This session marked the beginning of the therapy. Emily wore specialised headphones, listening to filtered music and singing voices modified to stimulate specific auditory pathways. The initial discomfort was addressed with adjustments, and her partner  Liam’s presence provided comfort and support.

Session 3: Finding Harmony:

As sessions progressed, Emily noticed subtle changes. The filtered music, initially jarring, began to feel soothing. She reported feeling calmer, more focused, and better able to tolerate everyday sounds. The nausea triggered by certain food smells seemed less intense, and her doctor’s appointments felt less overwhelming.

Session 4: Embracing the Process:

The final session was a celebration of progress. Emily’s sensory sensitivities had lessened, replaced by a newfound sense of calm and control. She could now enjoy walks with Liam, and the sounds of nature were no longer overwhelming. The filtered music, once a therapeutic tool, now felt like a familiar friend, a reminder of her journey and newfound resilience.

The Tomatis® Method wasn’t a magic bullet, but it offered Emily valuable tools to manage her sensory sensitivities. The filtered music, combined with her own proactive measures and  her partner Liam’s support, created a wave of positive change, paving the way for a calmer and more fulfilling pregnancy journey.

Emily, aware of her triggers, also incorporated a few other techniques to be better prepared for her doctor’s visits. Noise-cancelling headphones blocked the external noises while a soft scarf calmed her touch sensitivity. Open communication with her doctor eased her anxiety, and Liam’s unwavering support became her anchor.

At home, creating a sensory haven was paramount. The nursery, painted in calming earth tones, housed soft blankets and textured toys for visual and tactile stimulation. Liam researched sensory processing in babies, preparing for their arrival.

Emily’s experience with The Tomatis® Method highlighted the potential for targeted interventions to positively impact sensory processing challenges in individuals with ASD during pregnancy.

The Tomatis® Method, introduced in Emily’s case study , emerged as a valuable intervention for addressing auditory processing challenges associated with ASD during pregnancy. By systematically stimulating auditory pathways, this method aims to enhance sensory integration and emotional well-being. While not a one-size-fits-all solution, the Tomatis® Method showcases the potential for targeted interventions to positively impact sensory experiences for individuals with ASD.

To individuals with ASD embarking on the journey of pregnancy, we offer encouragement and recognition. Your experiences are valid, and the challenges you face are acknowledged. Building a strong support network, both within your immediate circle and through professional avenues, can make a significant difference. Seeking understanding from healthcare providers, family, and friends fosters an environment where your unique needs can be met with empathy and support.

Françoise Nicoloff

Official Representative of Tomatis Developpement SA in Australia, Asia and South Pacific, Director of the Australian Tomatis® Method, Registered Psychologist, Certified Tomatis® Consultant Senior, Tomatis® International Trainer and Speaker, Co-author of the Listening Journey Series, 45 Years of Experience, Neurodiversity Speaker

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