Professionals like Psychologists, Speech and Occupational Therapists, Teachers, Medical Doctors , Voice and Singing Teachers, Language Teachers can now implement the Tomatis® Listening Program in their practice in Aus tralia, Islands of South Pacific and South East Asia and worldwide.
Professional Training Dates
Tomatis® Professional Training Courses in Australia

Become a Tomatis® Level 1 Practitioner
General Introductory to practice the Tomatis ® Method and TalksUp ®
- Thursday 25 January 8pm AEST
- Monday 5 February 8pm AEST
- Monday 12 February 8pm AEST
- Monday 19 February 8pm AEST
- Monday 26 February 8pm AEST
- Monday 4th March 8 pm AEST
- Thursday 2nd May 2024 8pm AEST
- Monday 6 May 8pm AEST
- Monday 13 May 8pm AEST
- Monday 20 May 8pm AEST
- Monday 27 May 8pm AEST
- Monday 3 June 8pm AEST
Become a Tomatis® Level 2 Practitioner
Introduction to the Tomatis ® Listening Check and Active work
Become a Tomatis® Level 3 Practitioner
Introduction to Individualised Programs
- Thursday 22 February 8pm AEST
- Thursday 29 February 8pm AEST
- Thursday 7 March 8pm AEST
- Thursday 14 March 8pm AEST
- Thursday 21 March 8pm AEST
- Thursday 28 March 8pm AEST
Become a Tomatis® Level 4 Consultant
Introduction to mother’s voice work and more individualised programs
To be advised towards the last term of 2023
Dates are subjective to changes so please conf irm dates of sessions at
Information at 61 (02) 9326 1650 or visit our Website: www.
The Tomatis® training in Australia is delivered by Françoise Nicoloff, Psychologist, Registered Certified Tomatis Consultant, International Tomatis® Professional Trainer with more than 40 years of experience in the field around the world. Since 1983, Françoise has trained professionals, in Europe, Tahiti, Japan, Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, New Caledonia and China