Supporting Emotional Regulation and Self-Awareness in Children: Strategies for Helping Kids Manage Their Feelings and Develop Emotional Intelligence

Marie, a bright and vivacious 4-year-old girl, had always been a source of joy for her parents, Sarah and David. However, as she grew older, they began to notice that Marie’s emotional struggles were becoming increasingly challenging. She frequently had tantrums, outbursts of anger, and mood swings that puzzled and concerned her parents.

Marie’s emotional struggles became evident when she was around three years old. At first, her parents thought these challenges were part of normal childhood development, but as they persisted and intensified, they realised that there might be an underlying issue. Marie exhibited symptoms of low emotional regulation in many ways.

Marie would have intense meltdowns over seemingly minor issues, such as not getting her preferred snack or having to share a toy. She would lash out in frustration, often hitting or screaming, which left her parents bewildered and helpless.

Her moods were unpredictable. One moment, she could be giggling and happy, and the next, she would be inconsolable. She often struggled to articulate her feelings, leading to increased frustration. She found it challenging to control her impulses, making it difficult for her to follow simple rules and routines. Was this going to be a permanent personality trait, or was there something that could be done to help her handle her emotions better? This is the difference between having better or worse emotional intelligence.

emotional intelligence

If your child presents signs of Emotional Regulation, claim your 20 minutes FREE consultation valued at $125 with our expert

1. What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Before diving into strategies, it’s crucial to understand what emotional intelligence (EQ) is. Emotional intelligence is the tendency or capacity to recognise, understand, manage, and use one’s own emotions while also recognising and influencing the emotions of others. This skill set includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation to achieve or perform in life, empathy, and social skills.

2. The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Children

Emotional intelligence is an essential factor in a child’s overall development, as it impacts various aspects of their life, both in the short term and long term. Here are some of the critical reasons why emotional intelligence matters for children:

2.1. Better Social Skills

Children with high emotional intelligence tend to have better social skills. They can better understand the emotions and needs of their peers, which leads to improved communication and healthier relationships.

2.2. Improved Academic Performance

Emotionally intelligent children often perform better academically. They can manage stress, set goals, and stay motivated, leading to more effective learning.

2.3. Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities

Emotionally intelligent children are more adept at solving problems and making decisions. They can think clearly and logically, even when faced with emotionally charged situations.

2.4. Resilience and Coping Skills

Emotionally intelligent children are more resilient in the face of adversity. They can bounce back from setbacks and cope with stress more effectively.

2.5. Reduced Behavioral Issues

Emotionally intelligent children are less likely to exhibit behavioural problems. They can regulate their emotions, reducing outbursts and tantrums.

3. Major Keys to Building Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a complex skill set, but there are four major keys that can help children and adults alike in building and developing their emotional intelligence:

3.1. Self-Awareness

Emotional intelligence is built on self-awareness. It entails identifying and comprehending one’s own emotions, strengths, flaws, values, and motives. For children, this means being in touch with their feelings, knowing why they feel a certain way, and understanding how their emotions affect their thoughts and actions.

Strategies for Enhancing Self-Awareness:

  • Encourage self-reflection: Teach children to take a moment to think about their feelings and the reasons behind them.
  • Help them identify and label their emotions: Use emotional vocabulary to describe feelings, allowing children to express themselves more accurately.
  • Encourage journaling: Keeping a journal can be an effective way for children to track their emotions and reflect on their experiences.

3.2. Self-Regulation

Self-regulation mainly means managing and controlling one’s emotions and impulses. It is about being able to pause and think before reacting, even in emotionally charged situations. Children need to learn how to navigate their feelings and express them appropriately without letting their emotions overwhelm them.

Strategies for Enhancing Self-Regulation:

  • Teach deep breathing techniques: Breathing exercises can help children calm down when they’re upset.
  • Going in nature like in a park or having a pet to talk too can be very soothing for a child who is overwhelmed with emotions
  • Role-play scenarios: Practising scenarios where they may face challenges can help children develop strategies for staying in control of their emotions.
  • Set clear boundaries: Consistent rules and boundaries provide structure, which can help children manage their emotions.

3.3. Empathy

Empathy is when one understands and shares the feelings of others. It’s a vital component of emotional intelligence because it fosters positive relationships and effective communication. By learning to empathise with others, children can develop better interpersonal skills.

Strategies for Enhancing Empathy:

  • Encourage perspective-taking: Ask children to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and think about how they might feel in a given situation.
  • Promote active listening: Teach children to listen attentively when others are speaking and ask questions to understand their feelings better.
  • Read and discuss literature: Share stories that focus on empathy, kindness, and understanding to help children appreciate the value of empathy.

3.4. Social Skills

Social skills refer to the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships. This involves effective communication, conflict resolution, cooperation, and the ability to work well with others. Teaching children these skills can have a profound impact on their emotional intelligence.

Strategies for Enhancing Social Skills:

  • Role-play social interactions: Practise different social scenarios with children to help them develop effective communication and conflict-resolution skills.
  • Encourage teamwork: Encourage children to collaborate with peers on projects or activities, fostering a sense of cooperation.
  • Set a positive example: Demonstrate good social skills in your own interactions, showing children how to communicate effectively and respectfully.

4. The Six Areas of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is not a single, monolithic skill but rather a set of interconnected competencies. These competencies can be categorised into six key areas:

4.1. Self-Awareness

The ability to pay attention to and understand one’s own emotions is referred to as self-awareness. It includes identifying your own emotions as they occur and comprehending how they affect your thoughts, actions, and decisions. Self-awareness is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence.

4.2. Self-Regulation

Self-regulation involves managing and controlling your emotions and impulses. It means being able to stay calm under pressure, control anger, and think before reacting. Self-regulation allows individuals to handle challenging situations effectively and make rational decisions. In fact, one key aspect of emotional regulation therapy is teaching people to recognise emotional triggers which helps them in regulating their emotions better.

4.3. Motivation

Motivation is the inner-drive or strong intention to achieve goals and pursue one’s passions. It involves setting and working towards meaningful objectives, being persistent in the face of setbacks, and maintaining a positive attitude. Motivated individuals are more likely to achieve success and overcome obstacles.

4.4. Empathy

Empathy is the capability to understand and relate to the experiences of another. It involves being sensitive to the emotions of those around you and being able to connect with people on an emotional level. Empathy fosters positive relationships and effective communication.

4.5. Social Skills

Social skills include a range of abilities related to interpersonal relationships. This area of emotional intelligence includes effective communication, conflict resolution, cooperation, and the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships. Socially skilled individuals tend to be more successful in their personal and professional lives.

4.6. Interpersonal Relationships

The ability to form and maintain meaningful connections with people can be defined as interpersonal relationships. This involves building trust, resolving conflicts, and navigating the complexities of human interaction. Strong interpersonal relationships are a fundamental aspect of emotional intelligence.

Supporting Emotional Regulation and Self-Awareness

If your child presents signs of Emotional Regulation, Contact us now!

5. Strategies for Supporting Emotional Regulation and Self-Awareness

Now that we understand how important emotional intelligence is for children to possess as a skill, let’s explore practical strategies to help them develop this vital skill set.

5.1. Teach Emotional Vocabulary

One of the first steps in developing emotional intelligence is helping children understand and express their emotions. Start by teaching them the names of different feelings, such as happy, sad, angry, and afraid. Encourage them to express how they feel and validate their emotions. This can help them build a strong foundation for self-awareness.

5.2. Model Emotional Regulation

Children often learn by observing the behaviour of adults and caregivers. Therefore, it’s crucial for adults to model emotional regulation. When children see adults manage their emotions in a healthy way, it sets a positive example for them to follow.

5.3. Create a Safe and Supportive Environment

Children need a safe and supportive environment where they feel comfortable expressing their emotions. Encourage open communication and let them know it’s okay to talk about their feelings. When children feel safe, they are more likely to develop self-awareness and emotional regulation. Also, if a parent considers any form of therapy, it is important to know that the ultimate goal of emotional regulation therapy is to improve overall emotional well-being. This has to be in conjunction with a supportive environment. 

5.4. Use Storytelling and Literature

Children’s books and stories can be excellent tools for teaching emotional intelligence. Choose books that explore various emotions and their consequences. Reading and discussing these stories or personal accounts with children can help them grapple with their own emotions as well as the emotions of others.

5.5. Practice Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises

Mindfulness techniques and deep breathing exercises can be valuable tools for helping children manage their emotions. Teach them to take deep breaths when they are upset and introduce simple mindfulness exercises that encourage them to be present in the moment. Moreover, Emotional regulation therapy often employs mindfulness techniques to enhance self-awareness. This in turn helps in improving emotional intelligence in individuals.

5.6. Encourage Empathy

Empathy is critical to develop emotional intelligence. Encourage children to consider how others might feel in different situations. You can use real-life scenarios or stories to help them practise empathy.

5.7. Set Realistic Expectations

It’s essential to set realistic expectations for children’s emotional development. Every child is different, and emotional intelligence develops at its own pace. Avoid pressuring them to achieve milestones they may not be ready for.

5.8. Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution

Teach children how to identify problems and find constructive ways to solve them. Conflict resolution skills are a fundamental aspect of emotional intelligence. Encourage them to discuss issues, find compromises, and seek solutions that benefit everyone involved.

5.9. Encourage Emotional Expression through Art and Play

Children often find it easier to express their emotions through art, creative play, or even journaling. Encourage these outlets to help them process their feelings and gain self-awareness.

5.10. Provide Positive Reinforcement

Acknowledge and praise children when they exhibit emotional intelligence. Positive reinforcement can motivate them to continue developing their emotional skills.

6. Challenges and Common Misconceptions

While supporting emotional regulation and self-awareness in children is crucial, it’s not without challenges and misconceptions. Some common obstacles and misconceptions include:

6.1. Suppressing Emotions

Some adults may believe that children should suppress negative emotions like anger or sadness. However, this can be detrimental. It’s essential to allow children to express these emotions in a healthy way and teach them how to manage them constructively. As many know, A critical component of emotional regulation therapy involves exploring the underlying causes of emotional reactions. This will be impossible when one is encouraged or expected to suppress their emotions.

6.2. Overpraising

Overpraising children for every little accomplishment can lead to a sense of entitlement and may not help in developing emotional intelligence. Instead, provide specific and genuine praise for their efforts and emotional growth.

6.3. Ignoring Gender Stereotypes

It’s important not to reinforce gender stereotypes when discussing emotions. All children, regardless of their gender, should be urged to express a wide range of emotions.

6.4. Comparing Children

Comparing one child’s emotional development to another can be harmful. Each child is unique, and their emotional intelligence will develop at their own pace. Avoid making unfair comparisons.

7. Marie’s Success Story

Marie’s first session with the Tomatis® Method focused on fundamental listening exercises. In a short span, her parents noticed a significant reduction in the number of times she had any tantrums or episoded of outbursts. She even began expressing her emotions more clearly, and her outbursts became less common.

As Marie continued with the Tomatis® Method, her sessions were customised to target her specific emotional challenges. The therapy incorporated music and sounds designed to promote emotional self-regulation and empathy. By the end of the second session, Marie was more skilled at identifying and naming her emotions. Her ability to self-regulate improved, and she developed a newfound sense of empathy, improving her relationships with her parents and peers.

By the fourth session, the transformation in Marie’s emotional intelligence was remarkable. Her mood swings, outbursts, and tantrums were significantly reduced. Marie communicated her emotions and needs more effectively and displayed impressive impulse control, allowing her to follow routines and rules. Family dynamics had improved, and Marie formed stronger relationships with her peers, excelling in her preschool environment.

Marie’s journey with the Tomatis® Method approach exemplified the potential for targeted interventions to enhance emotional intelligence in children. With personalised auditory training and dedicated support, Marie overcame her emotional struggles, becoming a well-balanced, emotionally aware child who thrived in her family and social life. Her case serves as a testament to the transformative power of innovative, individualised approaches in addressing emotional intelligence challenges in children.

Make a commitment to your child’s emotional well-being. Begin incorporating these strategies today to support their emotional regulation and self-awareness. Emotional regulation therapy can work really well and give profound results if combined with the Tomatis® Method. If you know someone who can benefit from the Tomatis® Method, do not hesitate to contact us through our link here. You can receive a 20-minute session absolutely FREE with our experts.  

Françoise Nicoloff

Official Representative of Tomatis Developpement SA in Australia, Asia and South Pacific, Director of the Australian Tomatis® Method, Registered Psychologist, Certified Tomatis® Consultant Senior, Tomatis® International Trainer and Speaker, Co-author of the Listening Journey Series, 40 Years of Experience, Neurodiversity Speaker

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