Three Go-To Emergency Plans for Families Living with Autism

Nobody likes a worst-case scenario, least of all parents of autistic kids. However, the most difficult situation you can find yourself in is being completely unprepared for them when they finally happen.

That is why you should have at least two or three back-up plans should your family find itself in a situation where you are unable to care for your autistic children. It doesn’t matter whether it is during this particularly difficult period, or even during times when things seem to go smoothly. Having a go-to emergency strategy is a must to ensure total protection and continuing care for your kids.

#1. A Means to Contact Child Protection

Child protection laws actually require a number of professionals who must report any incidents where a parent can no longer provide a secure home for their kids. These include registered psychologists, doctors, teachers and even priests or pastors.

In the event that your family will be unable to provide care (such as if you fell into a serious illness or an accident), then you need someone to file a report. If you are in touch with any of the above mentioned professionals who have been providing their support for your kids, then consider discussing this subject with them and hash out the details should the worst ever happen.

#2. Introduce Children to Someone Who Will Care for Them

If you already have other relatives or very trusted friends in mind who could take over for you if things go south, then it is important to have your kids get close to them as much as possible. Make sure these are people that they recognize as a constant presence in their lives (be it through regular visits or constant communication). Again, these can be grandparents, uncles-aunties or your family’s best friends.

Naturally, it is also important that these people are completely and seriously aware of this plan, and are prepared to take them in. The children themselves must also be ready to pack the things they need once it is time to move.

#3. A Plan to Get Things Back on Track

Finally, while it would be a terrible ordeal for the entire family, one should also hold on to the hope that such difficult situations are only temporary. So whether you find yourself sick or separated from your kids, have a plan that will restore normalcy once the storm has passed.

If you have had to leave the house for an extended period, then make your return date a top priority. If your kids have been struggling with a different routine, then make sure they can get back to the old one as quickly as you get back.

Without a doubt, these are very difficult things to think about. But remember, having any of these emergency plans ready is always better than having none at all when something happens that will keep you from being able to care for your special needs kids.

Find time in your schedule to lay these plans out. Talk to the people who will be involved. And lastly sit your kids down about it without dramatising. Do everything to assure them that while a worst-case scenario can still happen, your family is ready to do something about it.

If you need any advice or support, then know that we at the Australian Tomatis Method are still here to help you. Please reach out if you need to, either by email at or by phone to Francoise at 0414 444 915.

Françoise Nicoloff

Official Representative of Tomatis Developpement SA in Australia, Asia and South Pacific, Director of the Australian Tomatis® Method, Registered Psychologist, Certified Tomatis® Consultant Senior, Tomatis® International Trainer and Speaker, Co-author of the Listening Journey Series, 40 Years of Experience, Neurodiversity Speaker

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