Tomatis® Practitioner (Level 2), TLTS, and TalksUp® Training (Level 2)

With the Tomatis® Listening Test System (TLTS), you will add to your activity an evaluation tool that allows you to define the listening profile of a client with precision. This tool is necessary if you want to further evaluate a client’s listening profile and to refine your programming based on it.

Over a 4-day training course, you learn to conduct a Listening Check and use it as part of your programming. The Listening Check also serves as a tool to assess results and thus to optimize your work. Moreover, you will be able to access to the TalksUp® (level 2) software, which enables you to combine pre-defined programs so you can have access to more programming possibilities and design more personalised programs.

Duration : 4 days + online support and mentoring
: must be a Tomatis® Practitioner (Level 1) + 2 TalksUp® devices (Level 2)
: The TLTS device for the Listening Check and TalksUp® (Level 2)

Details: The Listening Check evaluates an individual’s auditory thresholds in terms of frequency, ability to identify the source of sounds, ability to discriminate between frequencies, and auditory laterality. The analysis of the resulting curves serves to determine the person’s quality of listening and from this to induce a sensory, learning, communication, and emotional profile.

The Listening Check thus allows determining how an individual learns and communicates with him/herself as well as with the outside world. It also provides information about attention, concentration, memory, emotional, (dys)regulation and balance and coordination. The National Center for Scientific Research in France (CNRS) conducted a research on this original device and approved its usefulness.

Tools: Digitized TLTS

Although its roots are in audiometry, the Listening Check is a fully different test.The Listening Check is made up of a series of sub-tests, the synthesis of which results in the elaboration of curves called the Tomatis® listening profile. This listening profile is specific to each person.

The Listening Check is extremely simple to apply since it consists in the client responding either manually or orally – depending on the client – to acoustic stimuli perceived through headphones that transmit sound by air conduction and bone conduction. Each ear is tested in turn. On average, the entire test lasts about 15-20 minutes and the datas are digitally compiled.

Ready To Get Started?

Please view the upcoming dates or contact us for more information.