Tomatis Developpement S.A.
Tomatis Développement S.A. (TDSA) was established in 2000 in Luxembourg. It is the exclusive proprietor of the Tomatis® Method and of several trademarks and patents registered by Dr. Alfred Tomatis. The company was established by his son, Christian Tomatis and currently managed by Thierry Gaujarengues, the current president of the company. TDSA is connected with numerous world-leading experts in different fields of health and education. For more details, visit:

Maria Moell Lundqvist (Tomatis® New Zealand)
Maria Moell Lundqvist is a Tomatis® Consultant (Level 4) since 1998, who started in Sweden. Then, she moved to New Zealand and established Tomatis® New Zealand in 2012. She currently spends most of her time mentoring new Tomatis® Practitioners and training schools and early childhood centres in the Tomatis® Method. Simultaneously, she also helps selected clients from various parts of the country. Françoise Nicoloff and Maria collaborate and help each other for the best benefit of the Tomatis® community. For more details, visit her site:

Tomatis® Philippines
In 2006, the 4-year-old boy, Enrique, was diagnosed with ADHD. After having benefited from the Tomatis® Method, his family decided to bring the program to the Philippines. In 2006 and 2007, Françoise Nicoloff travelled frequently to Manila to train the founders of the centre (Gem Manosa, Ria Vecin, and Joanna Pedrosa). The very first Tomatis® Centre in the Philippines opened in Alabang in January 2007. The second centre is located in Quezon City and third centre opened at The Fort, Taguig City. For more information, visit!

Shenzhen SoundLife Education Technology Ltd.
Shenzhen SoundLife Education Technology Ltd. manages the Tomatis® brand, training organisation, promotion, sales, and services in Shenzhen, China. Françoise Nicoloff regularly visits China to give lectures and work with families and Tomatis® professionals.

Jennifer Muller
She is a Tomatis® Consultant (Level 3). She is a professional reflexologist specialising in soft-touch reflexology and a health care provider who works closely with Arrowsmith School in Vancouver Canada.

Tomatis® Nouvelle-Calédonie
Tomatis® Nouvelle-Calédonie is managed by Françoise Vallino, a Tomatis® practitioner (Level 2) and a professional etiopath-osteopath residing in Noumea, New Caledonia. For more information, visit their Facebook page: Tomatis Nouvelle-Caledonie

Autism’Espoir Nouvelle-Calédonie
Created in 2003, Autism’Espoir Nouvelle-Calédonie is an association that aims to help improve the lives of children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) specifically in New Caledonia. The group provides access to care and education enabling them with independence and socialisation. See Autism’Espoir Nouvelle-Calédonie for more details!