How We Can Help Anxiety and Depression

Over 70 years ago, Dr Alfred Tomatis, a French Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist, made interesting discoveries. He based his theory on his discovery that the ear plays a leading role in human development, right from the early stages of foetal life. This led to the development of a unique,  ground-breaking theory. It explained how music and sounds are powerful forces for change and healing.

Dr Tomatis discovered the energising and therapeutic effects of high-pitched sounds. More and more research also proved that music can:

  • raise or lower your blood pressure
  • affect your muscular energy
  • change your metabolism
  • influence your digestion
  • have a powerful effect on your emotions and behaviour.

In observing the effects of different kinds of music, Dr Tomatis concluded that none of them produced the sought-after therapeutic effects like that of Mozart’s.

Mozart’s score achieved the perfect balance between the relaxing and energising effects of sound. Listening to the high frequencies of Mozart gives you more energy than a cup of coffee; it also makes you happier and healthier.

Recent studies in Sweden confirmed the clinical results observed for decades in Tomatis® Centres in helping people to reduce stress and being able to cope better with the daily challenges of life and work.

A study conducted in Sweden with 60 people has shown that people diagnosed with burnout, stress, insomnia, depression, and even stroke, whiplash, and brain injury have recovered quite well after doing 90 hours of the Tomatis® Program.

Another thing for people with anxiety and depression is how to go back to full-time employment. At 6-months follow-up, 60% of the people were working full-time whereas there were less than 30% before attending the Tomatis® Program.

The Tomatis® Method is a useful tool for a range of conditions, including stress reduction, behavioural problems, confidence, and others related applications. People who are seeking to enhance their lives or looking for a tool for personal development would appreciate this unique therapeutic approach.

Dr Tomatis points out that high-frequency sounds such as in classical music stimulate the brain, whereas low-frequency sounds such as rock music can drain energy away. The cortex requires enormous amounts of stimulation to remain dynamic, to think, and to operate with vitality.

The high-frequency music of Mozart, particularly when filtered through the TalksUp® device, is very energising; while Gregorian Chant slows down the heartbeat and promotes deep relaxation.

Both types of music are used in the Tomatis® Method to help reach one’s intellectual and physical potential. By “charging” the cortex and reducing the tension, the Tomatis® Method not only maximises one’s capabilities but also encourages a more balanced life.

If you or your child suffers from anxiety and depression, book your 20 minutes FREE chat valued at $125 with our expert.

child covering ears autism sound sensitivity

Anxiety and depression are long-term psychological conditions that interfere with your daily life. Whenever we encounter challenges and problems like paying bills, taking a test, making a difficult decision, it is normal to worry every now and then. But when you or someone you know experience stress, trauma, frustration, regret over a long period of time, there is a possibility to develop these disorders.

Anxiety and depression develop out of the brain’s capacity to change (neuroplasticity) and the prolonged exposure to such unfavourable circumstances.

For example, a dyslexic child does not fully understand what is written on the board, takes times to copy down notes and misses a lot of things from the teacher’s discussion. He/she may find it difficult to catch up and would get low grades in exams.

For a child who’s as potentially intelligent as the rest of the class, poor academic performance can be very frustrating. If this persists into adulthood, they might think they are not good enough and would start to fear failures. He/she might not want to go to school anymore.

And as adults age, we can also feel helpless thinking that nobody cares for them, nobody likes them because they cannot do anything right, or that no one likes them thinking they will never be good enough could lead to isolation and depression.

Situations can really escalate eventually if not quickly if you will not do something today. Know more about the types of disorders, the signs, and the impacts of anxiety and depression. Also, discover more about on how the Australian Tomatis® Method can help below.

Anxiety disorders include conditions such as:

  1. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): People with GAD often display excessive anxiety or worry for months
  2. Panic disorder: Recurrent and unexpected panic attacks, which are sudden periods of intense fear
  3. Social anxiety disorder: Having a significant fear of social and performance situations in which one expects to feel judged, rejected, embarrassed, or fearful of offending others
  4. Phobias: Intense fear of a specific object or situation.

Depression can take in several forms. They can develop in various circumstances.

  1. Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD): Also known as “dysthmia”, a depressive state that lasts for at least 2 years
  2. Perinatal Depression: Women experience a full-blow major depression during or after giving birth; they often feel extreme anxiety, sadness, and exhaustion
  3. Seasonal Affective Disorder: Having depression during the winter months that generally lifts during spring and summer
  4. Bipolar Disorder: Having extremely high (mania/ euphoria) and low (depression) moods
  5. Psychotic Depression: Depression + Psychosis (delusions of guilt, poverty or illness, hallucinations, etc).

Normal anxiety usually happens for a short period of time and they are often connected with some stressful situations or happenings. However, someone with an anxiety condition gets disturbed more frequently and persistently that often lasts for six (6) months or more without an obvious challenge.

This is often debilitating to achieve an optimum quality of life. Each anxiety issue has its own unique set of signs and we have listed the general and specific signs of anxiety disorders and depression below:

  1.  Palpitation of the heart
  2. Worry
  3. Chest tightening
  4. Excessive fear
  5. Tensed feeling
  6. Restlessness
  7. Avoidance of situations that would make one feel anxious
  8. Fast breathing

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

  1.  Feeling worried about so many things, events, and/or activities
  2. Difficulty to stop worrying
  3. Unmotivated to do daily tasks
  4. Restlessness
  5. Fatigue
  6. Irritability
  7. Muscle tension
  8. Difficulty in falling or staying asleep

Panic Disorder

  1. Short breaths
  2. Hot or cold flushes
  3. Sweating
  4. Increased heart rate
  5. Feeling numb or tingly
  6. Feeling detached from yourself and/or your surroundings
  7. Feelings of unreality
  8. Scared of dying
  9. Scared of losing control
  10. Dizzy/ faint

Social Anxiety Disorder / Social Phobia

  1. Feeling uncomfortable meeting new or unfamiliar people
  2. Very nervous when performing in front of others
  3. Distressed when being observed
  4. Feeling very self-conscious in front of other people
  5. Blushing, sweating, or trembling
  6. Feeling nauseous
  7. Trying to avoid some situations in your daily life (i.e. work, studying, hanging out with friends/ family)


Phobias are extreme fear over a specific object or situation. Here are few of the most common examples:

  1. Going near an animal – i.e. arachnophobia (fear of spiders), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes)
  2. Exposed to heights (acrophobia)
  3. Flying on an airplane (aero/altophobia)
  4. Receiving an injection (trypanophobia)
  5. Staying in the dark (scotophobia), dark (nyctophobia)
  6. Avoided going to certain places (agoraphobia)

Anxiety disorders can decrease the quality of life. They are caused by a wide range of risk factors from parental factors to being divorced and having few economic resources. The following below are the most common impacts of anxiety disorders:

  1. Depression
  2. Frequent emotional and physical health issues
  3. Trouble in school or at work
  4. Family and relationship problems
  5. Alcohol and drug abuse

People with anxiety disorders often do not acknowledge that they need help. It is also often difficult to pinpoint anxiety disorder especially that it can co-exist with other physical illnesses and other mental health disorders.

Ready to get started? Claim your FREE 20-min phone chat valued at $125

The Tomatis® Method is definitely the best gift to you or your child! Contact Françoise Nicoloff or any of the Tomatis® professionals in Australia to get started today!

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