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sensory integration

3 Easy Steps to Improve Sensory Integration

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Sensory integration is the process by which we receive information through our senses, organize this information, and use it to participate in everyday activities It has been said that many people often take their senses for granted. After all, that is why…

Filtering and Stress – The Science of Poor Conversation

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Nobody likes having difficult conversations. They lead to arguments and that in turn, lead to stress. However, perhaps the real issue is that difficult conversations set the stage for very poor listening that eventually leads to its own breakdown. More…

APD and the Limits of Digital Communication

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To understand auditory processing disorder (APD), parents must first understand what it means to listen and communicate. And by that, it means more than just lessons on what to say, what certain words mean or how to behave. Listening is…
Clever Ideas for Creating New Normal Routines

Clever Ideas for Creating New Normal Routines

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So far, things have been looking rather bright in Australia’s coronavirus situation. But even with that said, complacency is still going to be counterproductive. That means parents must still understand the importance of implementing new routines that will focus more…

Brain Healing VS Brain Control

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In the field of neuroscience, there is no shortage of wonderful breakthroughs that could lead to a better life for those with disabilities. In fact, just recently a new study came out that explored the possibility of using gentle brain…