How To Promptly Develop Speech of Children with Sensory Processing Disorder

Speech, language, and emotions are the three primary constructs of communication using which humans interact or communicate. Speech impairment or disorder is when an individual faces issues in shaping words or making sounds to speak with others. While this communication problem is typically seen in children, this impairment has also been observed in adults resulting from a brain injury, childhood, dementia, auditory processing deficit etc.

The speech and language disorder hampers the fluency of speech, voice, or resonance among the children in the preschool age group and can be observed in all age groups. In contrast, emotional disorders affect decision-making skills and reactions to situations when overwhelmed and not being able to comprehend and express oneself.

Although in most cases, the reasons for the speech, language, and emotional disorders are linked to global development delay, various techniques are available in the market to assist your child cope with these difficulties.

Most Common Speech, language disorders

Most Common Speech, language disorders

Speech therapists generally deal with various language impairment problems. However, the severity of these disorders may vary from low to high based on the level of impairment. 

Some of the most commonly diagnosed speech and language disorders that the speech therapist has to deal with daily are described below.

  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech– This speech disorder is only observed in children. This disorder is linked with the brain having difficulty in controlling and coordinating the movements required for talking involving the vestibular system (part of the inner in relation to the muscles of the body.
  • Speech Sound Disorders/Articulation Disorders– This type of speech disorder occurs mainly in young children due to the inability to produce certain sounds while speaking. This impairment affects the pronunciation of certain words, such as making the “th” sound in place of an “s” sound where the good functioning of the cochlea is essential (cochlea is the receptive organ of sounds in the ear) .
  • Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders– Orofacial Myofunctional disorders can occur in children, teenagers, and adults. This impairment results from abnormal growth and development of facial muscles and bones. People suffering from this disorder usually have difficulty eating, drinking, talking, swallowing, etc.(it involves the cranial nerves V and VII which are also connected to the muscles in the middle ear).
  • Stuttering and Other Fluency Disorders– Stuttering or stammering can be characterised by long pauses, stretching out a sound and repeating a specific sound in a word. Though stuttering is not always constant, it can hamper the normal flow of the speech and be triggered by nervousness or excitement in relation to a challenging situation for instance..
  • Speech Disorders related to Autism– An individual suffering from autism faces difficulty communicating and expressing themselves. Hence, the standard diagnostic criteria for autism is verbal or non-verbal social communication skills since they have problems understanding and using words (comorbidity with auditory processing disorder meaning when the brain does not hear and comprehend what the ears are hearing).
  • Receptive Disorders– Receptive disorders affect the child’s ability to understand and respond to speech. This disorder can be seen in children with SPD, making it difficult for the children to express themselves, respond to a query, etc (Wonder how difficult it is to express oneself when you don’t understand what people say? It’s like being a foreigner in your own country!)
  • Resonance Disorders– This disorder hampers the voice quality of an individual due to an obstruction or blockage of airflow in the nose, mouth, or throat. Swollen tonsils and cleft palate are two leading causes of resonance disorders.
Challenges Faced By People With Speech Impairment

Challenges Faced By People With Speech Impairment

In a study conducted by a speech therapist in Australia, it was found that the children suffering from speech impediments received and processed the information at a lower perceiving rate when compared to the average growing child. Due to this disorder, these children have low levels of confidence and self-esteem and find it difficult to cope with a society that works on socialisation.

The challenges don’t end here. The children suffering from this also find it difficult to express their thoughts aloud in a classroom full of students due to the constant fear of getting mocked or misunderstood.

The below points depicts some of the challenges a person with speech impairment goes through: 

  • Lack of confidence.
  • Unable to express thoughts.
  • Poor accuracy in perceiving speech.
  • Poor comprehension
  • Communication problem.
  • Social abandonment.
  • Emotional dysregulation due to irritation and frustration

Challenges Faced By Sensory Impaired Individuals

In simple words, somebody with SPD or sensory processing disorder finds it difficult to adapt and respond to data received through the sensory organs. Children with this disorder find it challenging to use their motor skills, eventually affecting their emotional development. There are two fundamental types of sensory processing disorders– Hypersensitivity and Hyposensitivity.

  • Hypersensitivity– This type of SPD affects an individual’s emotions and decision-making skills when the brain tries to process a lot of information. The people suffering from this disorder get irritated even by a slight change in sound, touch, light or other things happening in their surroundings. These include loud noises and bright lights, the scent of strong perfumes, food and clothing textures etc.This can lead them to long lasting meltdown.
  • Hyposensitivity– Hyposensitivity is a disorder in which the person suffering from it does not respond to stimuli appropriately. The person takes a lot of time to process the information and come up with a response for it. This disorder leads to late and half-hearted responses. These include feeling numb, pain or extreme temperatures, fidgeting, being unaware of noises or wanting to increase the volume, etc.

Symptoms of Speech and Language Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorders

Knowing that you are concerned about your child’s overall well being and development, it is vital to get a detailed idea about the symptoms of this speech, language, and sensory processing disorders. Monitor your child’s behaviour and actions and look for the following characteristics.

  • Speech and Language Disorder 

Observe the following factors to know if your child is suffering from a speech and language disorder-

  • Does not shrug or show any gesture to respond.
  • Inability to answer your questions.
  • Inability to name different objects.
  • Inaccuracy in following the directions or instructions.
  • Repetition of words or sounds.
  • Difficulty in pronouncing words. 
  • Have trouble rearranging the syllables.
  • Faces difficulty in learning rhymes and songs.
  • Behaviour, such as the voice or pitch, gets louder or softer in different places (for instance, talking loudly in public).
  • Memory as it is difficult for them to retain information they don’t get the concept of or have not properly experienced or watched
  • Sensory Processing Disorder

Keep an eye on the following activities and actions of your children to check whether they are suffering from a sensory processing disorder.

  • They have a tough time focusing.
  • The children always run, jump or skip rather than walk.
  • They constantly look for quiet places away from the crowd.
  • They avoid touching or hugging people.
  • They get annoyed by being bumped or touched.
  • They avoid trying new things. 
  • They feel anxious.
  • They are easily irritable and throw tantrums when overwhelmed.
  • They tend to avoid making eye contact.
  • They get upset about even some small changes in the routine.
  • The child takes physical risks. 
  • They are clumsy and uncoordinated or just the opposite.
Techniques to Overcome Speech and Language Disorder, and SPD

Methods or Techniques to Overcome Speech and Language Disorder, and SPD

  • Parental support and guidance

Once you accept that your child will be different, not better or worse, just different, that’s the first step.” 

This quote focuses on the importance of understanding and accepting the problems that your kid is going through. According to an Australian survey, the involvement of parents in helping their children undergo certain practices and speech and training has been proven to be crucial.

You can consider the following points to help your child overcome these speech, language, and emotional disorders.

  • Consider teaching yourself, your family, and the teachers how to talk with your child.
  • Encourage imitation of gestures and sounds while focusing on communication.
  • Listen to your kid even if they are not able to speak. 
  • While listening to your child, use eye contact.
  • Include simple gestures in your communication.
  • Read to your child every day.
  • Talking turns.
  • Try not to criticise.
  • Forbrain® – Empower Your Speech

Forbrain® is a cutting edge technology known to enhance language and speech coherence. This technique is derived from principles used in the Tomatis® method, the world’s most popular auditory stimulation program. This technology uses a dynamic filter that blocks off the surrounding sound, enhancing high frequency sounds and enabling the listener to hear their voice through bone conduction. 

Using the Forbrain®  headsets , the people suffering from speech and language disorders can improve their:

  • Ability to focus on a task.
  • Short-term and verbal memory.
  • Reading and writing skills.
  • Attention and concentration.
  • Speech, pronunciation, rhythm, sound discrimination, and fluency.

Forbrain® seamlessly adjusts the information received and rendered through sound with the help of the natural process of examining, perceiving and assimilating. Through Auditory Feedback Loop and enhanced bone conduction, an individual consistently initiates the capabilities of auditory separation, phonological awareness and integration of rhythm.

Forbrain is available with a discount HERE to get it with a 30% discount.

Become The Pioneer of Change For Your Child

“A child with special needs will inspire you to be a special kind of person.” -unknown.

The Tomatis® Method uses the ear to stimulate the brain to bring about change. This crucial change has many advantages, like improving focus, developing communication and socialisation skills, boosting confidence, enhancing learning skills, and reducing anxiety while promoting a better quality of life.

Since there is no scientific cure or medication for speech, language, and sensory processing disorders, making complete use of Tomatis® techniques, technology or methods is crucial for everyone whose dear ones are suffering from any of these problems. The Tomatis® approach helps your child lead a more confident life by its proper utilisation.This method usually uses the Mozart and Gregorian chants to stimulate high-frequency sounds directly to your ears by sending these vibrations to stimulate and energise the brain whilst harmonising the connections to the body including the vagus nerve in connection with emotions and neurovegetative functions..

For further details, contact our Tomatis® professionals. You can also inquire about the details of the program by giving us a call at 0291 990 240 in Sydney, Australia.

Please provide us with your precious feedback about the speech, language and sensory disorder experiences and improvements you’ve made after using the Tomatis® Method in the comments section below.


How To Promptly Develop Speech of Children with Sensory Processing Disorder

Françoise Nicoloff

Official Representative of Tomatis Developpement SA in Australia, Asia and South Pacific, Director of the Australian Tomatis® Method, Registered Psychologist, Certified Tomatis® Consultant Senior, Tomatis® International Trainer and Speaker, Co-author of the Listening Journey Series, 40 Years of Experience, Neurodiversity Speaker

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