A brain stimulated with sensory messages both energizes and relaxes us. Since the ear is the most effective passageway for the transmission of sensory messages from the human body, it plays a key role in all physiological functions. However, the brain can develop defense mechanism especially from a traumatic experience or violent environment. How can sensory processing take place if sensory inputs are not successfully accommodated?
The Tomatis® Method actively works on the vestibule, the part of the inner ear that manages sensory integration, movement and coordination, sense of space (spatialisation) and direction, sequencing, planning, and organisation skills necessary in learning processes.
The ear-brain training works by stimulating the brain and body by producing specific frequencies of filtered/ gated music that enters the ear, by bone and air conduction, via the vestibular cranial nerve (brain stem) and then travels widely throughout the brain and the body.
Dr. Alfred Tomatis, Founder of the Tomatis® Method, believed that such stimulation activates the neural pathways involved in developing the nervous system keeping the brain alert to take on the information that reaches it.