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De-Stigmatising Dyslexia With Diagnosis

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There is no denying the negative stereotypes surrounding dyslexia. A person who seems incapable of reading is regarded as unintelligent, more likely to succeed in sports than in academics and even depicted as brutish in popular media. However, increasing awareness…

My Child Has GDD! Is He/She Autistic!?

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The short answer is: No. It’s not always the case. More importantly though, this is never the best reaction a parent can have if their children has been officially diagnosed with some form of global developmental delay. In fact, it…

What Are The First Steps to GDD Intervention?

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When parents learn their child has been diagnosed with some form of developmental delay, the most difficult part is taking the first step towards early intervention. Generally speaking, early intervention is highly recommended if parents don’t want a delay resulting…

Global Developmental Delay vs Late Blooming

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For some parents, there can be a tendency to jump to the wrong conclusions. And without a doubt, this can also happen when these parents assume their child has global developmental delay (GDD). This is the result of understanding the…

GDD causes which hampers child’s growth milestones

There are multiple GDD causes which affects child’s growht milestones. When children have been diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay (GDD), there is a high probability that they will also have special needs. GDD is a condition connected with the idea…