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Understanding SPD: Strategies for Managing Sensitivity

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Ethan, aged eight, was a bundle of energy. He loved chasing butterflies in the backyard, building elaborate Lego structures, and wrestling with his older brother. But beneath the surface, Ethan harboured a secret struggle – Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). For…

Winter Wonders: Exploring the Effects of the Season on Our Lives

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As temperatures plummet nationwide, many Australians find themselves repeatedly lamenting, “It’s so cold, I can’t stand winter!” Approximately 1 in 300 Australians are diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that emerges during the winter months and…

Techniques to Help People With LD and ADHD Be More Productive

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For individuals with learning disabilities (LD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the quest for productivity can feel like an uphill battle. Between challenges with focus, organisation, and executive function, even the simplest tasks can morph into overwhelming hurdles.  Yet,…